The Annual HOLIDAY BRUNCH AND AUCTION was a huge success! The bidding was lively, the food delicious, and the comradery, the BEST!! Old friends were delighted to see each other, and new friends learned about one another.
Forty-three members and guests enjoyed a delicious brunch prepared by the women of the Worthington Presbyterian Church in their Fellowship Hall. Thanks to the committee chairs, Alice Miskell and Norma Pitts. Committee members included Ella Mae Bard, Michele Eastlake, Chantel Kelley, and Kathryn Wood.
Norma welcomed the group, as did President, Jan Bonner. The Buy-it-now Table and the Silent Auction table were filled with wonderful gift ideas and items for the holidays. The LIVE auction gave everyone an opportunity to bid on wonderful baked goods, jams, cheese spreads, cookware, antique linens, and clothing.
We were excited to have three students attend the event, along with Dr. Ann Paulins, their OSU advisor and several other OSU faculty and staff guests. The students provided auction items that raised $285! The funds will be used to assist with their Professional Service project for the collegiate year. The highlight of the student auction items was the creation of a beautiful antique silk jacket by graduate student, Carolyn Ready.
A special exhibit of photos of past Deans, our beautiful Phi Upsilon Omicron quilt, award plaques from Lena Bailey’s office and several of the naming tiles that were located on the second floor of Campbell Hall.
Thank you to all who participated and/or gave donations to make the 2023 Holiday Brunch and Auction a memorable Saturday morning! Total income for the event brought in a total of $2,854.10, which will be deposited in our scholarship funds account. Special thanks to all the donors, bidders, and “shoppers” at this year’s event.
The 2024 Founders Day Brunch and Program will be held on Saturday morning, February 3, 2024, in the Dublin Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, 75 North High Street in Old Dublin. Catering will be by Karla Woolley, owner of The Locust Table in Powell, and daughter of member, Katie Shelly.
An exciting program has been planned and will feature Shirley Brooks-Jones, as she tells her story about her 9/11 experiences in Gander, Newfoundland, where her plane was grounded for several days. It is an amazing story of the human spirit and the help provided by so many small communities who housed and fed over 5,000 stranded travelers. You DO NOT want to miss Shirley’s presentation.
An invitation and more details will be forthcoming in late December.
SPRING POTLUCK will once again be held at the Advent Lutheran Church on Kenny Road, Thursday, April 18th. The chairs are JoEllen Helmlinger, Norma Pitts, Jan Bonner, and Sandra Carpenter. Collegiate members will be initiated, and we will hear about their professional service project. Great food is always provided by the members, so please put that date on your calendar to catch up with both alumni and OSU student members.
Congratulations to our OSU student members upon their graduation, to be held December 15th.

Faculty Emerita Fern Hunt (right) in 2000 with Phi Upsilon Omicron Scholarship recipient Adrienne Adams Bowden
Phi U Gamma Alumni Member, Fern Hunt was featured in the Inspire Alumni Newsletter - Read her article by clicking below: